We are the first French English dictionary for iPad!!!
Our dictionaries are
within the top 3 overall apps in 4 countries in July
within the top 100 overall apps in 9 countries in July
within the top 3 category apps in 15 countries in July
French English Dictionary & Translator is an easy to use, user friendly dictionary, with a very big database (more than 64,000 translation pairs). No internet connection is required.
Main Features:
– More than 64,000 translation pairs
– Fast browsing mode that enables scrolling the dictionary
– Quick search in browse mode: jumping to the right part of the dictionary while typing
– Searching mode with fast lookup engine
– Detailed view of the chosen word with phrases
– Word linking in detailed view: clicking on any word will show the word in detailed view
– History in detailed view: you can go back and forward among the words you have seen so far
– Copy functionality: in the detailed view you can copy words or phrases
– Accentuation independent search
– English and French SPEECH with IN APP PURCHASE using Loquendo Speech Engine. (Need to pay only once/language!)
– Recents screen to make browsing history easier
– Favorites screen
– Google Translate (Internet connection is required!)
– Settings with color schemes and voice speed
Check out other dictionaries:
– Spanish, French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Greek, Turkish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Polish, Hungarian, Latin and Esperanto.
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