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FastFinga is a fantastic, fast and easy handwriting application for iPhone/iPod touch and iPad.

This #1 selling app has evolved since its creation and continues to get better with each update.

★ SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS and IDEAS… FastFinga’s amazing inking enables you to…
– Make fast hand-written notes
– Send personalized emails in YOUR handwriting
– Create hand-written Tweets
– Post hand-written notes direct to Evernote
– Write musical scores and math equations
– Doodle on a photo to send to friends

– Choose a pen size and color and write a word on the screen
– Tap « Thumb button » to enter word into document
– Zoom in/Zoom out by pinching or scroll the document in browse mode.
– Click arrow buttons to move cursor.
– Don’t like the color?—double tap color button and customize your own color.
– Use Cut and Paste to reorganize document.

– 3 pen size
– 4 pen color palette allowing unlimited customization.
– Easy eraser
– Undoable pen strokes
– Undoable editing
– Cut & paste
– Fast and simple inserting of photos
– Fast and fun inserting of emojis
– Customizable button locations
– Customizable themes (background colors)
– Choose left to right/right to left directions setting for each document depending on your language preference
– Doodle on a photo
– Organize by tags, themes, and folders.

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