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This clinical calculator gives you quick access to calculations that are too hard to memorize or perform in your head. MedCalc supports US and SI units.
Current formulas:
* A-a Oxygen Gradient
* ABCD2 Score for TIA
* Absolute Neutrophile Count (ANC)
* Age Calculator
* Alcoholic Hepatitis Discriminant Function
* Anion Gap
* APGAR Score
* Basal Energy Expenditure
* Body Mass Index (BMI)
* Body Surface Area (BSA)
* Bicarb Deficit
* CHADS2 Score for stroke risk
* Child-Pugh Score
* Corrected Calcium for Hypoalbuminemia
* Corrected Phenytoin
* Corrected QT for HR (QTc)
* Corrected Sodium
* Creatinine Clearance (Cockcroft-Gault)
* Creatinine Clearance (Measured)
* CSF WBC Correction for RBCs
* Delta Gap
* Fick Cardiac Output
* Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa)
* Fractional Excretion of Urea (FEUrea)
* Framingham Cardiac Risk
* Free Water Deficit
* GFR and Creatinine Clearance (Cockcroft-Gault)
* Glasgow Coma Scale
* Ideal Body Weight (IBW)
* IV Dose Calculator
* IV Infusion Rate
* Lean Body Weight
* LDL Cholesterol
* Maintenance Fluids
* Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
* MELD Score (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease)
* Opioid (Narcotic) Converter
* Oxygenation Index
* Parkland Burns
+ Fluid requirements for first 8 hours
+ Fluid requirements for first 24 hours
* Peak Expiratory Flow
* PERC Rule
* PORT (PSI) Score
* Pregnancy Wheel
+ Enter last menstrual period (LMP) or due date (EDC)
+ Conception date
+ 1st trimester date
+ 2nd trimester date
+ Estimated Date of Confinement (EDC, due date)
+ Weeks pregnant today
* Ranson’s Criteria for pancreatitis mortality
* Renal Failure Index
* Serum Osmolality
* Steroid Converter
* TIMI Score for STEMI
* TIMI Score for UA/NSTEMI
* Weight Conversions
* Well’s Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
* Winter’s Formula for Metabolic Acidosis Compensation