Apple propose ce soir la 51e preview de Safari Technology. Cette nouvelle mouture apporte un peu moins de changements que d’habitude, mais on retrouve toujours des corrections de bugs et autres améliorations.

Vous la pouvez découvrir et la tester à cette adresse. Dans cette nouvelle mouture, Apple se concentre sur l’Accessibilité, la sécurité, Web Inspector, et plus encore. Vous trouverez toutes les autres améliorations listées plus bas.

Release 51


  • Added accessibleclick event


  • Disallowed cross-origin subresources from asking for credentials
  • Prevented blocking authentication challenges to navigated resources


  • Fixed provisional loads that might get committed before receiving the decidePolicyForNavigationResponse response

Service Workers

  • Fixed the ability to download resources loaded from Service Workers


  • Changed to handle all SVG writing modes


  • Improved the speed of descendent selector invalidation by using a selector filter

Web Inspector

  • Added support to show or hide the navigation sidebar panel based on the current view
  • Fixed hiding the completion popover when switching panels in the Styles sidebar


  • Added support for scrolling a non-editable web-selection and start autoscroll when near screen edges

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